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Angular Denver '19: The Crazy Train of Legacy Apps

Angular Denver 2019 | The Crazy Train of Legacy Apps | Hudson Baker

Angular Denver - Pluralsight course - Angular Denver '19: The Crazy Train of Legacy Apps
by Angular Denver

What you'll learn

In this session, Hudson Baker acknowledges some negative emotions when approaching legacy apps and addresses how to change one's perspective to show that upgrading legacy apps can be an exciting and fun challenge. You will look at a back end only application that serves a static HTML page and explore some common ideas about legacy applications. Hudson will also rebuild a small component of the app as an Angular Element and demo a functioning Angular element inside the legacy app.

Table of contents

About the author

Angular Denver - Pluralsight course - Angular Denver '19: The Crazy Train of Legacy Apps
Angular Denver

Angular Denver is a community-focused conference where developers come to learn, network, and grow in their careers.

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