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Angular Denver '19: E2E Testing with Cypress.io

Angular Denver 2019 | E2E Testing with Cypress.io | Jesse Sanders

Angular Denver - Pluralsight course - Angular Denver '19: E2E Testing with Cypress.io
by Angular Denver

What you'll learn

NgRx enables Angular developers to build reactive solutions for managing state, events, and data using principles inspired by Redux. In this talk, Jesse Sanders explores the facets within NgRx. Some of these facets include testing, NgRx Entity, NgRx Data, NgRx Auto Entity, error handling, complex actions, and effects.

Table of contents

About the author

Angular Denver - Pluralsight course - Angular Denver '19: E2E Testing with Cypress.io
Angular Denver

Angular Denver is a community-focused conference where developers come to learn, network, and grow in their careers.

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