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Angular Denver '19: MockStore in NgRx 8

Angular Denver 2019 | MockStore in NgRx 8 | John Crawson

Angular Denver - Pluralsight course - Angular Denver '19: MockStore in NgRx 8
by Angular Denver

What you'll learn

What’s new in NgRx testing? The two most recent releases of NgRx have quietly introduced and iterated on the @ngrx/store/testing module, giving developers easier ways to test store-dependent components. In this lightning talk, John Crowson will demonstrate testing store-dependent components using the NgRx MockStore, which provides the ability to mock the entire state or individual selectors.

Table of contents

About the author

Angular Denver - Pluralsight course - Angular Denver '19: MockStore in NgRx 8
Angular Denver

Angular Denver is a community-focused conference where developers come to learn, network, and grow in their careers.

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