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AngularJS 1 Best Practices

This course will help you take the next step in your development by showing you best practices when developing web applications with AngularJS.

Joe Eames - Pluralsight course - AngularJS 1 Best Practices
by Joe Eames

What you'll learn

In this course you will take your AngularJS development to the next level by taking a deeper look at developing web applications with Angular. Building on the topics taught in the Angular Fundamentals course, you will take a deeper dive into the components of Angular: Controllers, Services, Filters, Directives, and Views. You will learn techniques that will help you in building applications bigger than tiny sample apps, such as organizing your code, breaking down a page into components, and communicating with the server. You will learn many patterns for more effective development such as patterns for cross-component communication, and patterns for creating an actual model layer. By the end of this course you should feel comfortable embarking upon a medium to large size application in AngularJS.

Table of contents

About the author

Joe Eames - Pluralsight course - AngularJS 1 Best Practices
Joe Eames

Joe has been a web developer for the last 13 of his 16+ years as a professional developer. He has specialized in front end and middle tier development . Although his greatest love is writing code, he also enjoys teaching and speaking about code.

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