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Android 8: Getting Started with Retrofit

by Alex Wolf

Learn how to accomplish sharing and connecting data between users, integrating third party services, and persisting data on a remote server using Retrofit, one of the most popular HTTP communication libraries on Android.

What you'll learn

As you learn to develop Android apps you’ll quickly want to add dynamic and connected features. In this course, Android 8: Getting Started with Retrofit, you’ll learn how to connect your app to Web Services with one of the most popular HTTP clients on Android. Retrofit can empower your app to retrieve or send data to a server, share and connect that data between users, or even implement third party services like stocks or weather. First, you will discover the fundamental concepts and principles behind RESTful Web services, which are a modern standard and a great fit for mobile apps. Next, you’ll step through converting a sample app from managing data right on the local device, before finally managing that data using a Web Service, and many other essential HTTP Tasks. By the end of this course, you should feel comfortable building your own apps that connect to Web Services with Retrofit.

Table of contents

Course Overview

About the author

Alex Wolf works as a Senior Content Developer at Microsoft and specializes in .NET on Azure and .NET AI . He is passionate about learning and teaching software development and has over a decade of experience in the .NET and Azure ecosystems. He is also highly engaged in DevOps and various cloud technologies to improve development workflows and infrastructure. Alex has worked for companies of nearly every size, ranging from small start-ups to massive enterprises. He also maintains a hobbyist i... more

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