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Exposing Data and Information Outside Your Android App

Android allows apps to extend beyond reach of their traditional boundaries. In this course, you'll learn how to capitalize on these capabilities through the use of Content Providers, notifications, and PendingIntents.

Jim Wilson - Pluralsight course - Exposing Data and Information Outside Your Android App
by Jim Wilson

What you'll learn

Looking to create opportunities by expanding your Android applications and users beyond all traditional boundaries? In this course, Exposing Data and Information Outside Your Android App, you'll learn how to create opportunities for both applications and users to engage with your app's content in ways that extend beyond the traditional app experience. First, you'll explore how to centralize data management using a Content Provider and make that data available to other applications. Next, you'll discover how to access Content Provider data using a CursorLoader and content URIs. After that, you'll learn how to modify data through a Content Provider including associating URIs with individual table rows. Finally, you'll cover how to interact with users through notifications, including how to create expandable notifications that provide comprehensive display information, and allow users to launch app activities directly from the notification through the use of PendingIntents. By the end of this course, you'll have the skills and knowledge to create your own Android applications that provide rich data and user experiences that extend beyond the traditional reach of applications.

Table of contents

About the author

Jim Wilson - Pluralsight course - Exposing Data and Information Outside Your Android App
Jim Wilson

Jim Wilson is president of JW Hedgehog, Inc., a consulting firm specializing in solutions for the Android, iOS, and Microsoft platforms. Jim has over 30 years of software engineering experience, with the past 15 years heavily focused on creating mobile device and location-based solutions.

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