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Android Data Binding: Getting Started

Making use of the Data Binding Library is a great way to increase code readability and decrease the amount of code you need to write. You will learn to use custom binding adapters, event handling, and observables to make code more clear and concise.

Mitch Tabian - Pluralsight course - Android Data Binding: Getting Started
by Mitch Tabian

What you'll learn

At the core of every great Android application is a clean and legible code base. In this course, Android Data Binding: Getting Started, you will master the core concepts of the data binding library. First, you will take a close look at how to perform data binding by inflating views, passing variables to views, and using imports. Then, you will see how to use ternary operators, build custom binding adapters, and handle gesture events. Finally, you will build custom data models that extend BaseObservable, so updates to variables are automatic. When you’re finished with this course, you will have a foundational knowledge of Data Binding that will help you as you move forward to develop mobile applications.

Table of contents

About the author

Mitch Tabian - Pluralsight course - Android Data Binding: Getting Started
Mitch Tabian

Mitch's passion is teaching. He believes the current education system is outdated and you shouldn't have to spend your life savings to learn about the tech industry.

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