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Cloud-native Java for this Decade with Quarkus

In this session, we'll look at supersonic, subatomic Java with Quarkus. If you're familiar with enterprise development with Spring or Java EE, you'll be delighted to see the effective way of working that Quarkus enables.

DevSecCon - Pluralsight course - Cloud-native Java for this Decade with Quarkus
by DevSecCon

What you'll learn

Enterprise Java has come a long way. What does a modern development approach look like in the age of Jakarta EE and MicroProfile APIs? In this session, we'll have a look at supersonic, subatomic Java with Quarkus. If you're familiar with enterprise development with Spring or Java EE, you'll be delighted to see the effective way of working that Quarkus enables. You'll also encounter the benefits of Quarkus for modern, cloud-native microservices in 2020.

Table of contents

About the author

DevSecCon - Pluralsight course - Cloud-native Java for this Decade with Quarkus

DevSecCon is the global community dedicated to DevSecOps to help implement security in the overall development process.

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