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Introduction to 3ds Max 2017

This in-depth tutorial is designed to help you get a solid understanding of the core features found in 3ds Max, and help you to ease your transition into this very powerful program. Software required: 3ds Max 2017.

Joshua Kinney - Pluralsight course - Introduction to 3ds Max 2017
by Joshua Kinney

What you'll learn

3ds Max is a very powerful tool that can help you model, texture, rig, animate, and render your creations. This course, Introduction to 3ds Max 2017, provides a high-level overview of the entire 3D pipeline and gives you the fundamental knowledge you need to start using 3ds Max for your own projects. First, you'll be getting familiar with some of the vocabulary and foundational skills that you'll need in order to begin moving around and working in 3ds Max. From there, you'll move into exploring some of the modeling features found in 3ds Max, and begin building the spaceship that will be your central project for the remainder of this course. Finally, you'll go through the entire process of adding textures and materials to the ship, adding animated movement, animation controls, dynamics, and finally we'll learn how to add lights, shadows, and output our final animated sequence. By the end of this course, you'll be at a point where you feel very comfortable working with 3ds Max. Software required: 3ds Max 2017.

Table of contents

About the author

Joshua Kinney - Pluralsight course - Introduction to 3ds Max 2017
Joshua Kinney

Joshua is a devoted games author at Pluralsight. For years Joshua was a key author behind Digital-Tutors' (now a Pluralsight company) popular game engine training. As a kid, he had a passion for playing video games, which eventually developed into a fascination with the process of game creation. The question of "How'd they do that?" led Joshua on a quest to learn to make these games himself. Ever since then, Joshua has devoted his life to creating games, as well as teaching others to build their own fantastic video games.

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