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Managing Files with Git LFS

In this lab, you are a member of a software development team working on a game. The game features high-resolution textures, 3D models, and dynamic audio assets, resulting in large files integral to the project. These files include .fbx models, .wav soundtracks, and .png texture files, some exceeding 500MB each. The team comprises five developers spread across North America’s time zones. The team you are on faces several challenges with two key ones being: - Low and Intermittent Connectivity: Two members often struggle to sync the repository due to slow or unstable internet. Downloading unnecessary files like 3D models or audio assets can take hours, hindering productivity. - Repository Size: With large assets such as .fbx and .wav files, the repository size exceeds 20GB, causing storage and bandwidth concerns for developers who don’t need these files. The team has decided to implement git-lfs as one way of addressing these two key issues. As a member who often has large files locally (that the rest of the team doesn't often need), you are wanting to implement git-lfs on your machine. You will then configure git-lfs for your common files and being committing changes to the teams repository.

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Path Info

Clock icon Intermediate
Clock icon 1h 0m
Clock icon Nov 19, 2024

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Table of Contents

  1. Challenge

    Create a New Azure DevOps Organization and Project

    • Log in to the Azure portal.
    • Create a new private project named LargeGitProject.
  2. Challenge

    Import an Existing Repo into Azure Repos

    • Create a new Azure Repo by importing a GitHub Repo.
    • Set the default branch to git-lfs.
  3. Challenge

    Configure Git on "Local" Machine

    Using the provide virtual machine, configure Git LFS.

  4. Challenge

    Clone the Large File Git Repo

    • Clone the Azure DevOps repository down to the virtual machine.
    • Verify the clone succeeded.
  5. Challenge

    Make Changes, Commit, and Verify

    • Configure the git repo for git-lfs.
    • Create a new file to simulate a large file.
    • Add the new file to a new commit.
    • Push the file up to the remote Azure DevOps repository.
    • Confirm the files are there.

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