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Make Changes to Azure Infrastructure Using Terraform

Hey there, Gurus! Welcome to the lab! This lab will demonstrate how easy it is to manage and destroy infrastructure in Azure with Terraform. You, as an admin, are being asked to deploy a virtual network to Azure and then make some changes to the Azure infrastructure that has been deployed. You will then add a subnet to your test infrastructure and tags to the virtual network that specify the environment and team responsible for resource deployment. After testing the deployment, you will need to destroy all of the resources for the test infrastructure.

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Path Info

Clock icon Intermediate
Clock icon 45m
Clock icon Aug 27, 2021

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Table of Contents

  1. Challenge

    Log In and Set Up the CLI

    In the Portal

    1. Go to the portal and log in using your lab credentials.
    2. Open the CLI.
    3. Select Bash at the prompt.
    4. Click Show Advanced Settings.
    5. Set the Cloud Shell region to the same location as the resource group.
    6. Select the existing Resource Group, and select Use Existing for the Storage Account.
    7. In the File share section, choose Create new and enter "terraform".
    8. Click Attach Storage.
  2. Challenge

    Deploy the Infrastructure

    In the CLI

    1. Download the file from the lab's GitHub repo.
    2. Unzip the file.
    3. Change to the lab-managing-azure working directory.
    4. Review the Terraform configuration file.
    5. Add the lab's Subscription ID and Azure Resource Group name to the configuration.
    6. Initialize the working directory.
    7. Apply the Terraform configuration.
  3. Challenge

    Add a Subnet to the Configuration

    In the CLI

    1. Download the file from the lab's GitHub repo.
    2. Review the configuration file.
    3. Add the lab's Azure Resource Group name to the configuration.
    4. Apply the changes to your infrastructure.
    5. Confirm your changes.
  4. Challenge

    Add a Tag to the Configuration

    In the CLI

    1. Edit the configuration file.
    2. Add the following code to the Virtual Network resource block:
      # Create Tag
        tags = {
          Environment = "TheBatcave"
          Team        = "Batman"
    3. Check the formatting.
    4. Apply the changes to your infrastructure.
    5. Confirm your changes.
  5. Challenge

    Destroy the Infrastructure

    In the CLI

    1. Delete your infrastructure using Terraform.
    2. Confirm your changes.

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Hands-on Labs are real environments created by industry experts to help you learn. These environments help you gain knowledge and experience, practice without compromising your system, test without risk, destroy without fear, and let you learn from your mistakes. Hands-on Labs: practice your skills before delivering in the real world.

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Guided walkthrough

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