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Implementing Azure Monitor

This hands-on lab is designed to teach you the basics of Azure Monitor. You will explore how Azure Monitor works in a SQL database through the implementation of Azure Monitor and the configuration of alerts, security logs, log analytics queries, and basic metric charts. This is designed as a beginner-friendly lab with little to no prior experience required. We will not be diving deep into Log Analytics or query language but will instead focus on the implementation aspects of Azure Monitor.

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Path Info

Clock icon Beginner
Clock icon 45m
Clock icon Jan 25, 2021

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Table of Contents

  1. Challenge

    Prepare the Environment

    1. Provision a SQL database.

      • Create a new server in the US West region:
        • Basic (5 DTU), 2 GB data size
        • Public endpoint with Azure services and client IP address added
        • Sample existing data
        • No trial
    2. Provision a Log Analytics instance in the West US region.

  2. Challenge

    Implement Monitoring in SQL Database

    Now that we have our environment provisioned, let's go into SQL Database and implement monitoring. In order to do that, we will implement security audit logs, create an alert rule, implement diagnostic settings, and create charts for Avg DTU Limit and Avg Data Space. ​

    1. Implement security auditing and send logs to a newly created storage account.
    2. Create an alert rule.
      • When DTU used goes above 70% (Static, with a 5-minute aggregation and 1-minute frequency).
      • Create an action group with an email notification.
    3. Create a chart for Avg DTU Limit and Avg Data space used.
    4. Create a diagnostic setting to send logs for errors, timeouts, and basic metrics to Log Analytics.
  3. Challenge

    Review and Create a Log Query

    Create some activity within SQL Database and then learn how to look at logs and utilize the query functionality.

    Note: For the Azure Log Analytics page to work properly, you must enable cookies for the site.

    Run the following query in logs:

    // Avg CPU usage
    // Avg CPU usage in the last hour by resource name.
    //consistently high averages could indicate a customer needs to move to a larger SKU
    | where ResourceProvider == "MICROSOFT.SQL" // /DATABASES
    | where TimeGenerated >= ago(60min)
    | where MetricName in ('cpu_percent')
    | parse _ResourceId with * "/microsoft.sql/servers/" Resource  // subtract Resource name for _ResourceId
    | summarize CPU_Maximum_last15mins = max(Maximum), CPU_Minimum_last15mins = min(Minimum), CPU_Average_last15mins = avg(Average) by Resource , MetricName

    Note: This query may not show immediately in your lab. If you run the query and get no results, you likely need to let more time elapse in the environment for Azure to pick up on the activity.

  4. Challenge

    Review Audit Logs and Find Storage Logs

    Run sample queries in the query editor, and then look for them in the security audit logs and in the Azure storage.

    1. Run 2 sample queries using the query editor:

      SELECT TOP 20 pc.Name as CategoryName, p.name as ProductName
          FROM SalesLT.ProductCategory pc
          JOIN SalesLT.Product p
          ON pc.productcategoryid = p.productcategoryid;
      INSERT INTO [SalesLT].[Product]
            ( [Name]
            , [ProductNumber]
            , [Color]
            , [ProductCategoryID]
            , [StandardCost]
            , [ListPrice]
            , [SellStartDate]
            ,GETDATE() );
    2. Find your queries in the audit logs.

    3. Find your logs in your newly created storage account.

The Cloud Content team comprises subject matter experts hyper focused on services offered by the leading cloud vendors (AWS, GCP, and Azure), as well as cloud-related technologies such as Linux and DevOps. The team is thrilled to share their knowledge to help you build modern tech solutions from the ground up, secure and optimize your environments, and so much more!

What's a lab?

Hands-on Labs are real environments created by industry experts to help you learn. These environments help you gain knowledge and experience, practice without compromising your system, test without risk, destroy without fear, and let you learn from your mistakes. Hands-on Labs: practice your skills before delivering in the real world.

Provided environment for hands-on practice

We will provide the credentials and environment necessary for you to practice right within your browser.

Guided walkthrough

Follow along with the author’s guided walkthrough and build something new in your provided environment!

Did you know?

On average, you retain 75% more of your learning if you get time for practice.