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Handle Adversity in Azure Stream Analytics

Imagine you work at your local arcade hall: a cool environment with lots of vintage games and excited customers. Besides operating the machines and talking to customers, you are also the designated IT person. In that capacity, your boss has asked you to make some changes to one of the Stream Analytics jobs the company is running to make it more resilient. You are tasked with implementing an output error policy that retries writing records indefinitely and verifying that the solution actually works.

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Path Info

Clock icon Intermediate
Clock icon 45m
Clock icon Nov 09, 2023

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Table of Contents

  1. Challenge

    Configure an Output Error Policy with a Value of 'Retry'

    Configure an output error policy with a value of 'Retry'.

    Don't forget to start the job after you have done so!

  2. Challenge

    Generate Load against the Event Hub

    Generate load against the event hub in one of two ways:

    • Use the load generator script that comes with the course.
    • Use the Event Hubs Generate Data Preview capability.
  3. Challenge

    Disable the Target Storage Container and Observe What Happens

    Ensure the target storage container is no longer writeable by the Stream Analytics Job. There are multiple ways to accomplish this, so try to find your own way.

    Once the container is no longer writeable, you should observe that results are no longer coming in.

  4. Challenge

    Enable the Target Storage Container and Observe What Happens

    You should undo the change you made before and ensure the storage container is once again writeable by the Stream Analytics job. Once this is the case, you should observe new results flowing in again. You should also observe results that were generated during the downtime being retried and becoming available as well.

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