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Creating a Data Pipeline in Azure Data Factory

In this lab, you will learn how to create an Azure Data Factory instance; you will also build and run a multi-step pipeline. In addition, you will learn how to monitor your pipeline and create activities that flow in a logical progression, including failure and success dependency conditions into the pipeline build.

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Path Info

Clock icon Intermediate
Clock icon 1h 0m
Clock icon Sep 20, 2022

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Table of Contents

  1. Challenge

    Prepare the Environment

    Create a Data Factory Instance

    • Use the given Resource Group and Subscription available in the dropdown menu.
    • Instance name should be unique.
    • Region should be East US and Version should be V2.
    • Git is not required.
    • Public endpoint is required.

    Create a SQL Database

    • Use the given Resource Group and Subscription available in the dropdown menu.
    • Database name should be unique.
    • Create a new server in East US region.
    • Service tier should be Basic DTU-based with .5 GB Data max size.
    • Locally-redundant backup storage.
    • Make sure to enable Sample data.

    Create a Blob Storage

    • Use the given Resource Group and Subscription available in the dropdown menu.
    • Storage account name should be unique.
    • Region should be East US region.
    • Performance should be standard.
    • Locally-redudant.
    • Network access should enable public access from all networks.
    • Upload the AdventureWorks Sales-2.xlsx GitHub file into a new blob container named delete.
  2. Challenge

    Create a Copy Data Activity

    • Create a Copy Data activity and name it SQL DB.
    • The source is the SalesLT.Product table in SQL DB .
    • The sink is a new table named SalesLT.Product2 in SQL DB.
  3. Challenge

    Delete and the First Web Activity

    • Create a Web trigger, whether the Copy Data activity succeeds or fails.
    • It should trigger QuackersCrazySales.Ducks?sales=NA2.
    • Create a Delete activity to delete all files in the new container in our Blob Storage account.
    • This will only activate if the data was successfully copied in Objective 2.
  4. Challenge

    Failure and a Final Web Trigger

    • Create a Fail trigger to activate if the Delete activity fails.
    • Enter the following Error Message, The Delete Activity Failed to Run. with the Error Code as 1Quack2.
    • If the Delete activity fails then a Web activity should trigger QuackersCrazySales.Ducks?delete_error=NA2.
  5. Challenge

    Validate and Debug

    In this final step, the newly created pipeline should be validated and debugged.

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Provided environment for hands-on practice

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Guided walkthrough

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