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Test Kitchen - Working with Generator and Community Cookbooks

In this lab we use a generator to create a cookbook generator with several defaults. We then use this to generate a cookbook which makes use of a community cookbook locally via Test Kitchen.

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Clock icon Beginner
Clock icon 30m
Clock icon Aug 04, 2020

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Table of Contents

  1. Challenge

    Install and configure what is necessary to use the specified version (2.4.17) of the ChefDK Tools on the Provided Server, including docker-ce, git and the docker gem.

    We need to download the correct version of ChefDK, which we can browse to here:, or just grab it with wget.

    The server provided for this Lab is a Centos 7 server, so let's be sure to download the appropriate install file (RHEL 7) if we're using a web browser.

    Install it with these commands (note the included wget command, in case we didn't want to use a browser to get the ChefDK package):

    sudo rpm -ivh chefdk-2.4.17-1.el7.x86_64.rpm
    echo 'eval "$(chef shell-init bash)"' >> ~/.bash_profile

    Once we're done, we'll need to either log out and back in (so that our .bash_profile change takes effect) or use the following command to source the new profile information:

    source ~/.bash_profile

    We need Docker on our workstation, but there are a couple of tasks that we need to complete ahead of time:

    • Install YUM utilities:
      sudo yum install yum-utils<br/>
    • Add the Docker repository:
      sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo
    • Install Docker-CE:
      sudo yum -y install docker-ce

    Enable Docker to start at boot time, and then fire it up right now:
    sudo systemctl enable docker
    sudo systemctl start docker

    Allow our user to use Docker without using sudo:
    sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

    Note: You will need to log out and back in for the usermod to take effect.

    Test that Docker is working with docker ps after logging out and back in again.

    Install Git and Set Some Global Defaults for Our User, Email Address, and Editor

    When we use Kitchen, later in the lab, we need Git to be installed, and set up with some basic information. These commands will make that happen:

    • If Git is not already installed:
      sudo yum -y install git
    • Now we can configure some basics for git:
      • Change the username:
        git config --global "USERNAME"
      • Edit the email address:
        git config --global "[email protected]"
        • We can use fake information, we don't actually use it for this lab. It just needs to be set or we will get errors later.
      • Set the default text editor:
        git config --global core.editor vim

    Install the Gem Required for Using Docker with the Test Kitchen

    Docker requires a gem for this all to work. Install it with this:
    gem install kitchen-docker

  2. Challenge

    Generate a generator cookbook and modify it for use with Docker. Under provisioner a product name of `chef` and product version of `15.3` is required.

    Use chef generate to Create a Generator Under the Folder ~/generator, and Call It corp_origin

    We'll create a folder named generator in our home directory with a quick mkdir ~/generator. Then we've got to use the chef generate command to create the generator:
    chef generate generator generator/corp_origin

    Edit the Template for the and Add "Created using the generator corp_origin"

    Let's get into the default templates folder in our generator directory:
    cd ~/generator/corp_origin/templates/default/

    Now we can edit (using whichever text editor is most comfortable). Add a line above the "TODO" section with the text:
    Created using the generator corp_origin

    Edit kitchen.yml.erb and Update the File to Use Docker, Adding 'product_name: "chef"' and 'product_version: "15.3"'

    Edit the kitchen.yml.erb file and replace the default shown with docker specific items.

    Below is an example of an updated kitchen.yml.erb file that is set to use docker:

        name: docker
        privileged: true
        use_sudo: false
        name: chef_zero
        always_update_cookbooks: true
        product_name: "chef"
        product_version: "15.3"
          chef_license: accept
        name: inspec
        - name: centos-7.2
             run_command: /usr/lib/systemd/systemd
          - name: default
              - recipe[<%= cookbook_name %>::default]
                 - test/integration/default

    Note: Be careful of spacing in yml files. This one is available for download in the GitHub repository mentioned above, under Additional Information and Resources.

  3. Challenge

    Configure the system so that the generator cookbook is used when generating cookbooks. Configure the system to use ~/chef/cookbooks for cookbooks.

    Create a chef/cookbooks Folder In Our Home Directory

    We need a place to store our cookbooks. Make one with this:
    mkdir -p ~/chef/cookbooks

    Create and Configure a config.rb File In ~/.chef, Then Add the New Cookbook Path and Set local_mode to "true"

    We need to create a directory and configuration file, in our own home directory:
    mkdir ~/.chef
    vim ~/.chef/config.rb

    And that config.rb file needs to look like this:

    cookbook_path ['~/chef/cookbooks']
    local_mode true
    if File.basename($PROGRAM_NAME).eql?('chef') && ARGV[0].eql?('generate')
           chefdk.generator.license = "all_rights"
           chefdk.generator.copyright_holder = "Student Name"
  = "[email protected]"
           chefdk.generator_cookbook = "~/generator/corp_origin"
  4. Challenge

    Generate a New Cookbook Using the Generator Template created previously, call it corp_haproxy. Ensure template changes have been included and add haproxy so it will download.

    From within the ~/chef directory that we created earlier, we can generate a cookbook with this:
    chef generate cookbook cookbooks/corp_haproxy

    We'll want to check that our template modifications are showing in the new cookbook.

    Add the HAProxy (Version 3.0.2) to the Cookbook so It Will Download to the Local Computer

    We need to utilize HAProxy. To make Chef do this, we need to edit the metadata.rb file located in the new cookbook. Add the following entry, then save the file:
    depends 'haproxy', '=3.0.2'

  5. Challenge

    Use berks to download dependencies, Use test kitchen to verify the cookbook.

    Use berks to Check and Download the Cookbook Dependencies

    From within the corp_haproxy folder, run:


    and the dependencies should download.

    Use test kitchen to Test the Cookbook

    Use the kitchen test command to verify the cookbook.

    An error similar to the following, means it's likely a problem with the format of the yml in the .kitchen.yml file:

    >>>>>> ------Exception-------
    >>>>>> Class: Kitchen::UserError
    >>>>>> Message: Error parsing /home/cloud_user/chef/cookbooks/corp_haproxy/.kitchen.yml as YAML.
    Please run `kitchen diagnose --no-instances --loader' to help debug your issue.
    >>>>>> ----------------------

    Fixing it ourselves is preferable, but if it's absolutely necessary, we can download a copy of the kitchen.yml from the GitHub location mentioned above under Additional Information and Resources.

    Using test kitchen, Converge the Cookbook and See If It Is Running in Docker Afterwards

    To converge the cookbook, we'll just run kitchen converge. Then we can use docker ps to see if Docker is running.

  6. Challenge

    Clean up the instance created with the kitchen command.

    Use kitchen destroy to destroy the instance.

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