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ServerCheck: Making Async HTTP Requests with Python

We frequently have to check whether one of our servers has access to other servers on our internal network. To make this a little easier for ourselves, we've decided to use Python to write a CLI that can take either a JSON file with servers and ports to check or a list of host/port combinations to make requests to. In this hands-on lab, we will take a list of server/port combinations and make HTTP requests concurrently so that we can get the status of our servers as quickly as possible. We'll also finalize the `servercheck` CLI.

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Path Info

Clock icon Intermediate
Clock icon 1h 0m
Clock icon Aug 26, 2019

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Table of Contents

  1. Challenge

    Create the http Module within the servercheck Package and Install requests

    To begin, we need to change to the servercheck directory and create and activate our virtualenv.

    $ cd servercheck
    $ pipenv install --python python3.7
    $ pipenv shell
    (servercheck) $

    Next, we need to create the module to work in. We'll call it To be a module within a package, we'll need to place this file within the servercheck directory that contains an

    (servercheck) $ touch servercheck/

    Now that we have a module, we need to install the requests package as a dependency of our tool:

    (servercheck) $ pipenv install requests

    We'll also want to add this to the REQUIRED list in our (partial)

    # What packages are required for this module to be executed?
    REQUIRED = ["click", "requests"]
  2. Challenge

    Make Concurrent Requests and Return the Results

    From within our new http module, we will create one function to act as the public interface that we'll eventually call from our CLI. Let's call this function ping_servers. It will receive the argument servers:


    def ping_servers(servers):
        results = {'success': [], 'failure': []}, results))
        return results

    The main thing we need to do here is create our results dictionary and trigger our unwritten make_requests coroutine that will handle creating and running the HTTP request tasks.

    Next, we'll create the make_requests, ping, and get functions:


    import asyncio
    import requests
    import os
    def get(server):
        debug = os.getenv("DEBUG")
            if debug:
                print(f"Making request to {server}")
            response = requests.get(f"http://{server}")
            if debug:
                print(f"Received response from {server}")
            return {"status_code": response.status_code, "server": server}
            if debug:
                print(f"Failed to connect to {server}")
            return {"status_code": -1, "server": server}
    async def ping(server, results):
        loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
        future_result = loop.run_in_executor(None, get, server)
        result = await future_result
        if result["status_code"] in range(200, 299):
    async def make_requests(servers, results):
        tasks = []
        for server in servers:
            task = asyncio.create_task(ping(server, results))
        await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
    def ping_servers(servers):
        results = {"success": [], "failure": []}, results))
        return results

    Since we want all of the HTTP requests to be made as soon as possible, we'll schedule each in its own task and utilize asyncio.gather to run all of the tasks and wait until they are all finished.

    The requests library isn't designed to work with asyncio, so we need to manually run our HTTP requests on the event loop to make sure that we can avoid waiting on the network IO.

  3. Challenge

    Test Against Additional Servers Using REPL

    Now that we have all of our functions, let's test them out. Our hands-on lab environment has two other servers that have a few web servers listening on various ports. We can test our code by loading our package into the REPL and interacting with these servers:

    (servercheck) $ DEBUG=true PYTHONPATH=. python
    >>> from servercheck.http import ping_servers
    >>> servers = ('web-node1:80', 'web-node2:80', 'web-node1:3000', 'web-node2:3000', 'web-node1:8080')
    >>> ping_servers(servers)
    Making request to web-node1:80
    Making request to web-node2:80
    Making request to web-node1:3000
    Making request to web-node2:3000
    Making request to web-node1:8080
    Failed to connect to web-node1:3000
    Received response from web-node1:80
    Received response from web-node2:80
    Received response from web-node2:3000
    Received response from web-node1:8080
    {'success': ['web-node1:80', 'web-node2:80', 'web-node2:3000', 'web-node1:8080'], 'failure': ['web-node1:3000']}

    We can see from our debug output that all of the requests are started rapidly and the responses come back in the order that they finish. Without the DEBUG environment variable set, we'd only see the results dictionary.

  4. Challenge

    Utilize servercheck.http.ping_servers in the CLI Function

    Now that we have the ping_servers function, we can use it in the cli function to make our tool work the way that we expect it to. The cli function already collects the server information that the user passes in; we'll pass that information into the ping_servers function.


    import click
    import json
    import sys
    from .http import ping_servers
    @click.option("--filename", "-f", default=None)
    @click.option("--server", "-s", default=None, multiple=True)
    def cli(filename, server):
        if not filename and not server:
            raise click.UsageError("must provide a JSON file or servers")
        # Create a set to prevent duplicate server/port combinations
        servers = set()
        # If --filename or -f option is used then attempt to read
        # the file and add all values to the `servers` set.
        if filename:
                with open(filename) as f:
                    json_servers = json.load(f)
                    for s in json_servers:
                print("Error: Unable to open or read JSON file")
        # If --server or -s option are used then add those values
        # to the set.
        if server:
            for s in server:
        # Make requests and collect results
        results = ping_servers(servers)

    Now we can print the results to match our design goal:


    import click
    import json
    import sys
    from .http import ping_servers
    @click.option("--filename", "-f", default=None)
    @click.option("--server", "-s", default=None, multiple=True)
    def cli(filename, server):
        if not filename and not server:
            raise click.UsageError("must provide a JSON file or servers")
        # Create a set to prevent duplicate server/port combinations
        servers = set()
        # If --filename or -f option is used then attempt to read
        # the file and add all values to the `servers` set.
        if filename:
                with open(filename) as f:
                    json_servers = json.load(f)
                    for s in json_servers:
                print("Error: Unable to open or read JSON file")
        # If --server or -s option are used then add those values
        # to the set.
        if server:
            for s in server:
        # Make requests and collect results
        results = ping_servers(servers)
        print("Successful Connections")
        for server in results['success']:
        print("\n Failed Connections")
        for server in results['failure']:

    Let's make sure that our package is installed into our virtualenv in an editable way before testing the final product:

    (servercheck) $ pip install -e .

    Next we'll create a test JSON file called example.json within our project's directory:


    To test our tool, we can use the example.json and also pass some more information -s options to the servercheck executable.

    (servercheck) $ servercheck -f example.json -s 'web-node1:80' -s 'web-node1:9000'
    Successful Connections
    Failed Connections

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