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Minikube: Deploying Microservices

In this hands-on lab we will be deploying microservices to our Minikube cluster. We will deploy the robot-shop example application into its own name space, and then ensure that all of the services are started and running. Once that is done, we will access the robot-shop application via proxy and ensure that it is working as expected.

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Path Info

Clock icon Beginner
Clock icon 30m
Clock icon Nov 26, 2019

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Table of Contents

  1. Challenge

    Start the Minikube Cluster Using the Correct Driver

    Run the command:

    sudo minikube start --vm-driver none
  2. Challenge

    Deploy Robot-Shop in Its Own Namespace

    In the user's home directory, there is a robot-shop directory, and within it a K8s subdirectory. Let's get into it:

    cd ~/robot-shop/K8s

    Now that we're there, we can create a namespace for the resources:

    sudo kubectl create namespace robot-shop

    Then we can create the resources in the namespace:

    sudo kubectl -n robot-shop apply -f ./descriptors/

    Let's monitor the pods to ensure that they come up:

    sudo kubectl -n robot-shop get po -w

    Once all of the pods have come up this task is complete.

  3. Challenge

    Edit the Web Service, Configure the Proxy, and Test the Application

    Let's take a closer look at the web service:

    sudo kubectl -n robot-shop get svc web

    Its TYPE is currently LoadBalancer, and that's not what we want here. We need to edit the web service and change its type to NodePort:

    sudo kubectl -n robot-shop edit svc web

    We'll land in a vim session. The spec section should look like this (minus the comments) when we're done:

     - name: "8080"
       port: 8080
       protocol: TCP
       targetPort: 8080
       nodePort: 30080    <-- ensure that the nodePort it set to this value
       service: web
     sessionAffinity: None
     type: NodePort    <---- change from LoadBalancer

    Now let's take another look at the web service:

    sudo kubectl -n robot-shop get svc web

    Its TYPE should be NodePort now.

    Now let's get the URL of the web service:

    sudo minikube service list

    We need the TARGET_PORT of the web service for this next step. We've got to edit the Nginx configuration and set the port forwarding to the NodePort URL:

    sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
        location / {
                   # First attempt to serve request as file, then
                   # as directory, then fall back to displaying a 404.
                   proxy_pass http://<minikube IP>:<svc port>;

    Once that's done, we can restart Nginx:

    sudo systemctl restart nginx

    Finally, we can test in a web browser. If we exit in the terminal, we'll get the server's public IP. We can also get it from the hands-on lab overview page. But browse to it, and we should see the robot-shop application up and running. Feel free to tool around and look at the different robots. If you can, it means we're through setting things up.

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