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Managing Secrets in Kubernetes

The student is guided to perform the exercises that demonstrate the Kubernetes Secrets resource and how to pass secrets to applications running within pods.

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Clock icon Beginner
Clock icon 1h 0m
Clock icon Apr 05, 2019

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Table of Contents

  1. Challenge

    Create and interrogate secrets from the command line with kubectl.

    From the Master Node, as cloud_user

    Example: Username and Password

    First, store the secret data in a file. In this example, we will place a username and password in two files encoded with base64.

    echo -n 'admin' > ./username.txt
    echo -n 'L1nux@cad3my' > ./password.txt

    The kubectl can package these files into a 'Secret' object on the API server.

    kubectl create secret generic ks-user-pass --from-file=./username.txt --from-file=./password.txt

    You can look up secrets with get and describe as follows:

    kubectl get secrets
    kubectl describe secrets/ks-user-pass

    Secrets are masked by default. If you need to obtain the value of a stored secret, you may use the following commands:

    kubectl get secret ks-user-pass -o yaml

    Then decode the values with:

    echo '[stored value here]' | base64 -d
  2. Challenge

    Create Secrets using YAML.

    You may also create secrets with a YAML file. The following is an example:

    Example YAML:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: ks-lab-secret
    type: Opaque
      username: "admin"
      password: "L1nux@cad3my"

    Additional fields may also be stored in a YAML file.

    Use an editor to create ks-secret-config.yaml.

    vi ks-secret-config.yaml
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: ks-secret-config
    type: Opaque
      config.yaml: |-
        apiUrl: https://ks.api.com/api/v1
        username: admin
        password: L1nux@cad3my
        branchid: branch21

    Then create the secret with:

    kubectl create -f ks-secret-config.yaml

    You may look at the fields by getting the secret in YAML, and then passing the config.yaml field through the decoder.

    kubectl get secret ks-secret-config -o yaml
    echo '[stored value here]' | base64 -d
  3. Challenge

    Pass Secrets to a pod through a mounted volume.

    Secrets may be passed to pods through mounted volumes or through environment variables.

    The following is an example as to how volumeMounts specified in a pod's YAML file may be used:

    vi ks-pod.yaml
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: ks-pod
      namespace: default
      - name: ks-pod
        image: busybox
          - sleep
          - "10000"
        - name: ks-path
          mountPath: "/etc/ks-path"
          readOnly: true
      restartPolicy: Never
      - name: ks-path
          secretName: ks-secret-config
          - key: config.yaml
            path: config.yaml
            mode: 400

    Then create the pod.

    kubectl create -f ks-pod.yaml

    After creating the pod, verify it is ready.

    kubectl get pods

    Once the pod is ready, exec a shell in the pod container.

    kubectl exec -it ks-pod -- sh

    Once you are inside the busybox container, lets have a look at our secrets.

    cd /etc/ks-path
    ls -l
    cat config.yaml
  4. Challenge

    Pass Secrets to a pod through an environment variable.

    Now lets do an example where we can get these secrets through an environment variable.

    vi ks-pod-env.yaml
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: ks-pod-env
      - name: ks-pod-env
        image: busybox
          - sleep
          - "10000"
          - name: SECRET_CONFIG
                name: ks-secret-config
                key: config.yaml
      restartPolicy: Never

    Now lets create the pod.

    kubectl create -f ks-pod-env.yaml

    Lets go have a look.

    kubectl exec -it ks-pod-env -- sh

    And check our variable.


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