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Common Operations on a PostgreSQL Database

In this lab we perform some common operations on a database. We create a database, add a table, and fill the table from a `csv` file. Then we update the database table with a new record, change a record, and finally read form the database table to make sure these operations succeeded. The PDF of the notebook for this lab is [here.](https://github.com/linuxacademy/content-python-for-database-and-reporting/blob/master/pdf/hol_3.1.l_solution.pdf)

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Path Info

Clock icon Beginner
Clock icon 1h 0m
Clock icon Mar 13, 2020

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Table of Contents

  1. Challenge

    Start Jupyter Notebook Server and Access on the Local Machine

    Connecting to the Jupyter Notebook Server

    Make sure the virtual environment it activated!

    To activate the virtual environment:

    conda activate base

    To start the server:

    python get_notebook_token.py

    This is a simple script that starts the jupyter notebook server and sets it to continue to run outside of the terminal.

    On the terminal is a token. Please copy this and save it to a text file on the local machine.

    On the Local Machine

    In a terminal window, enter the following:

    ssh -N -L localhost:8087:localhost:8086 cloud_user@<the public IP address of the Playground server>

    It will ask for a password. This is the password used to log in to the Playground remote server.

    Leave this terminal open, it will appear nothing has happened, but it must remain open while using the Jupyter Notebook server in this session.

    In the browser, enter http://localhost:8087 in the address bar. This will open a Jupyter Notebook site that asks for the token copied from the remote server.

  2. Challenge

    Create the Database and Import Packages Needed

    Setup PostgreSQL for cloud_user Access

    Create a cloud_user database and a cloud_user user with a password. Grant all priveleges to database cloud_user by user cloud_user.

    Start psql

    sudo -u postgres psql

    Create Database

    CREATE DATABASE cloud_user;

    Create User

    CREATE USER cloud_user WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'cloud_user';

    Grant Access to Database by User

    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE cloud_user TO cloud_user;

    Leave psql


    Imports and Database connection string.

    The PostgreSQL standard port is 5432.

    import pandas as pd
    import psycopg2
    CONNECT_DB = "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=cloud_user user=cloud_user password=cloud_user"
  3. Challenge

    Create a `customers` Table in the Database and Fill It with the Data in the `vets.csv` File

    Create Table

    Create a table with columns matching the vets.csv file.

    create_table_query = '''CREATE TABLE customers (
        name varchar (25),
        owner varchar (25),
        type varchar (25),
        breed varchar (25),
        color varchar (25),
        age smallint,
        weight float4,
        gender varchar (1),
        health_issues boolean,
        indoor_outdoor varchar(10),
        vaccinated boolean
    ); '''
        # Make connection to db
        cxn = psycopg2.connect(CONNECT_DB)
        # Create a cursor to db
        cur = cxn.cursor()
        # Send sql query to request
        records = cxn.commit()
    except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error :
        print ("Error while connecting to PostgreSQL", error)
        #closing database connection.
            print("PostgreSQL connection is closed")
        print(f'Records: {records}')

    Add the Data to Table

    Use a try...except...finally block to load the data from vet.csv into the table just created.

        # Make connection to db
        cxn = psycopg2.connect(CONNECT_DB)
        # Create a cursor to db
        cur = cxn.cursor()
        # read file, copy to db
        with open('./vet.csv', 'r') as f:
            # skip first row, header row
            cur.copy_from(f, 'customers', sep=",")
    except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error :
        print ("Error while connecting to PostgreSQL", error)
        #closing database connection.
            print("PostgreSQL connection is closed")
            print("customers table populated")
  4. Challenge

    Create a Function to Fetch Data from the Database and Test It

    Selecting Data from a Server

    Create a function to execute a SQL statement to fetch records from the database. Use try...except...finally and .fetchall(). The user should use LIMIT or TOP() to limit their results.

    def db_server_fetch(sql_query):
            # Make connection to db
            cxn = psycopg2.connect(CONNECT_DB)
            # Create a cursor to db
            cur = cxn.cursor()
            # Send sql query to request
            records = cur.fetchall()
        except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error :
            print ("Error while connecting to PostgreSQL", error)
            #closing database connection.
                print("PostgreSQL connection is closed")
            return records

    Get all data from the database.

    select_query = '''SELECT * FROM customers;'''
    records = db_server_fetch(select_query)
  5. Challenge

    Create a Function to Update the Database and Make the Requested Changes

    Change Data in Database

    Create a function to execute a SQL statement to update records in the database. Use try...except...finally.

    def db_server_change(sql_query):
            # Make connection to db
            cxn = psycopg2.connect(CONNECT_DB)
            # Create a cursor to db
            cur = cxn.cursor()
            # Send sql query to request
            records = cxn.commit()
        except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error :
            print ("Error while connecting to PostgreSQL", error)
            #closing database connection.
                print("PostgreSQL connection is closed")
            return records

    Add a new record with the following data: Esmerelda is a 2.5 yr old female Angus cow that weighs 1250 lbs, has no health issues, is vaccinated, and owned by the Garcia Ranch.

    add_data = '''INSERT INTO customers
        (id, name, owner, type, breed, color, age, weight, gender, health_issues, indoor_outdoor, vaccinated)
        (7, 'Esmerelda', 'Garcia Ranch', 'Cattle', 'Angus', 'black', 2.5, 1250, 'f', false, 'outdoor', true);'''

    Check that the record was added.

    select_query = '''SELECT * FROM customers WHERE name = 'Esmerelda';'''
    records = db_server_fetch(select_query)

    Make Petra's weight 12.5.

    update_data = '''UPDATE customers SET weight = 12.5 WHERE name = 'Petra';'''

    Check the record.

    select_query = '''SELECT * FROM customers WHERE name = 'Petra';'''
    records = db_server_fetch(select_query)

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What's a lab?

Hands-on Labs are real environments created by industry experts to help you learn. These environments help you gain knowledge and experience, practice without compromising your system, test without risk, destroy without fear, and let you learn from your mistakes. Hands-on Labs: practice your skills before delivering in the real world.

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