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Chef - Troubleshooting

In this lab we will get familiar with Chef Troubleshooting. First, we are going to install the ChefDK tools on a server, make sure that Docker is working, and ensure that Git is installed and has some basic configuration. We will then go through troubleshooting a Chef cookbook, which will be provided. We need to figure out what it has for problems, and why it won't work. At the end of this hands-on lab, we will have a working cookbook, after we've performed tests with Docker and Kitchen.

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Path Info

Clock icon Intermediate
Clock icon 1h 0m
Clock icon Aug 04, 2020

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Table of Contents

  1. Challenge

    On the Provided Server, Install Version 2.4.17 of the ChefDK Tools

    We need to download the correct version of ChefDK, which is 2.4.17. In a command line, run:


    Now install it:

    sudo rpm -ivh chefdk-2.4.17-1.el7.x86_64.rpm

    Once it's installed, we need to make sure Chef uses the correct system locations for things:

    echo 'eval "$(chef shell-init bash)"' >> ~/.bash_profile
    source ~/.bash_profile

    Now check to see if it worked with which ruby, and we should see /opt/chefdk/embedded/bin/ruby get returned.

  2. Challenge

    Install What docker-ce Requires on This Server

    We need Docker on our workstation, so we will need to install the yum-utils, add the Docker repository, and install Docker.

    sudo yum -y install yum-utils
    sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo
    sudo yum -y install docker-ce

    Now let's set Docker to start now, and on system boot:

    sudo systemctl start docker
    sudo systemctl enable docker

    We should also set your user to be able to use Docker without using the sudo command. Once we've done this, we have to log out and back in again:

    sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

    Use SSH to get back in again, and check to make sure Docker is running:

    docker ps

    If we can do that without prefacing it with sudo, we're ready to continue.

  3. Challenge

    Install Git and Set Some Global Defaults for Our User, Email Address, and Editor

    When we use Kitchen, later in the lab, we need Git to be installed and set up with some basic information. These commands will make that happen:

    Install it:

    sudo yum -y install git

    Configure some Git basics, like the username, email address, and a default text editor:

    git config --global "USERNAME"
    git config --global "[email protected]"
    git config --global core.editor vim

    Note: We can use fake email information, since we don't actually use it for this lab. It just needs to be set or we will get errors later.

  4. Challenge

    Install the Gem Required for Using Docker with the Test Kitchen

    Docker requires a gem for this all to work. Install it with this:

    gem install kitchen-docker
  5. Challenge

    Update SELinux to Be Permissive

    To perform the tasks properly you should change SELinux so that it is permissive:

    sudo setenforce permissive

    We should also /etc/selinux/config and change things to permissive there too:

    sudo vim /etc/selinux/config

    Change the SELINUX line from SELINUX=enforcing to SELINUX=permissive

  6. Challenge

    Examine the Three Cookbooks In the ~/chef/ Directory

    la_troubleshooting is the current broken cookbook that we need to fix.

    la_bad is an exact copy of la_troubleshooting, in case we need to start over or refer back to it.

    la_good a working "fixed" copy that we can refer to if we're really stuck.

  7. Challenge

    Work on the la_troubleshooting Cookbook

    Let's get in and start looking around for problems and symptoms. Run cd la_troubleshooting to get into the directory, then run kitchen converge to watch what happens.

    It fails. If we scroll back up a bit into the logs, we can see a SyntaxError, and the problem appears to be in recipes/default.rb.

    Destroy the kitchen (with kitchen destroy) and let's go have a look at our recipe:

    vim recipes/default.rb

    The error was about the elinks package, but in this file, that section looks fine. The problem is earlier. there's a missing quote in the line: service 'httpd do line. Fix that (adding a single quote after 'httpd), save the file, and try another kitchen converge.

    It fails again, doesn't it? Now what's our error saying? Up in the resource declaration, we can see something's wrong with that section of the cookbook. Again, edit the file:

    vim recipes/default.rb

    If we look in that section, something should stand out. We've declared a path of /varwww/html/index.html, but there's no such place. We're missing a forward slash between var and www. Let's add that in, save the file, and try a kitchen converge again.

    It worked!

  8. Challenge

    Test Whether the Problems Are Fixed

    Everything looks good, but is it really? It looks like this cookbook is supposed to set up a web server with some content in the index.html page. Does it? Log into the kitchen, and check the file itself, both by just reading it and in a (text-based) web browser:

    kitchen login
    cat /var/www/html/index.html
    elinks http://localhost

    If we see SUCCESS, we've succeeded.

  9. Challenge

    Clean up

    Get out of the kitchen and destroy it:

    kitchen destroy

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