- Lab
- A Cloud Guru
Build Triggers
In this lab we will be looking at the way jobs interact with one another. This is part of the process of making a pipeline in which one job's build launches the build of another job. We will be passing artifacts and using parameters.
Path Info
Table of Contents
Create webdev/index and Archive index.jsp
Configure maven M3
folderConfigure the job to take parameters:
Pull from Git using the URL that is in the instructions
Build the top-level maven 'clean package'
In a shell, run
. -
Create backend/tomcat and Trigger It to Build on index complete > successful
Create the
folder andtomcat
subfolder.Create the
frestyle project.Configure trigger on index successful
Pull from the Git Url in lab instructions.
Build top-level maven 'clean package'
Make sure that it runs after index completes.
Check index for steve.
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