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GitHub Actions Deep Dive

A close look at CI/CD using GitHub Actions.

Pluralsight - Pluralsight course - GitHub Actions Deep Dive
by Pluralsight

What you'll learn

Continuous integration, delivery, and deployment are quickly going from nice-to-haves to must-haves in any software development project. GitHub Actions is emerging as a fast-growing CI/CD solution — it's simple to get started, has strong integration with third-party tools and cloud providers, and has a robust, engaged community. This course will examine GitHub Actions’ approach to CI/CD — developing workflows, managing jobs, and securing resources. It will demonstrate how to leverage other GitHub services with Actions. It will go step-by-step through setting up a CI/CD workflow for an AWS Lambda function. Finally, learners will build their own GitHub Actions workflow to deploy a static site to an S3 bucket.

Table of contents

About the author

Pluralsight - Pluralsight course - GitHub Actions Deep Dive

The Cloud Content team comprises subject matter experts hyper focused on services offered by the leading cloud vendors (AWS, GCP, and Azure), as well as cloud-related technologies such as Linux and DevOps. The team is thrilled to share their knowledge to help you build modern tech solutions from the ground up, secure and optimize your environments, and so much more!

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