
Color Correcting #TheDress

By now, you've probably seen the dress. Or, since everything on the internet needs to have hashtags: #TheDress. It's making waves on the internet right now with a simple question: Is it white and gold or black and blue? You'd think it'd be easy to figure out, especially for artists. And yet, if you're like me you'll probably have plenty of creatives in your social circles who are split on both sides of the debate. So what color is it? Here's how you can do some simple color correction to figure out the answer.

Step 1: Use the eyedropper to pick white, neutral gray and black areas in the photo


Step 2: For this particular photo, all you really need is to find a black point in the photo02

Step 3: Find the answer to the question!03

[caption id="attachment_40564" align="alignleft" width="257"]dress Screenshot from http://www.romanoriginals.co.uk/[/caption] Although this is a very rough color correction, it's enough to get the answer to the question burning up the internet right now. So if the dress is black and blue, why do different people see different things? You can learn more behind the science of the debate here. And you can buy the actual dress here. If nothing else, this internet debate is just one great example of why, as artists, we really need to make sure our colors are true and accurate to the actual items they depict. After all, if we're not careful the colors we see on our monitors may not be the same colors that others see once our projects are done. Fortunately, from color correction to using a linear workflow or even color profiles, there's a ton of different ways you can make sure your colors are accurate no matter what creative software you're using. What are your thoughts on this internet debate? Did you think it was white and gold? To get some more in-depth tips on color correction and ways to white balance a photo to reveal its true colors, check out this post on how to push your photos further with color correction.