Tim Tomes

Tim Tomes

Pluralsight Author
Tim is a believer, husband, father, veteran, software developer, web application security engineer, and the founder of PractiSec (Practical Security Services). With extensive experience in web application security and software development, Tim currently conducts consultative engagements, manages multiple open source software projects (Recon-ng Framework, the HoneyBadger Geolocation Framework, PwnedHub, etc.), writes technical articles (lanmaster53.com), and frequently instructs and presents on security topics independently and at major information security conferences (DerbyCon, ShmooCon, DefCon, Black Hat, and Wild West Hackin' Fest, etc.). Tim is an industry leader in all things Burp Suite Pro, a Portswigger Preferred Burp Trainer, and an expert in making HTTP requests tremble.
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