Steve Ognibene

Steve Ognibene

Steve Ognibene is an application developer in New York City specializing in SQL Server, C#, VB.NET and TypeScript. Steve started as a system admin in 1998 working with Windows NT 4.0, and got involved with scripting and Windows automation in the SMS 2.0 days. He first did professional web development in 2000 on IIS 4 and classic ASP, pushing the limits of JavaScript on IE 5.5. Steve worked as a traveling consultant from 2004 to 2008 with disciplines and technologies across the Microsoft platform including .NET Development, SQL Server, Active Directory, SharePoint, and SMS/SCCM. Since 2008, Steve has been a team lead for Application Development at a Fortune 100 company in New York City working mostly with ASP.NET and SQL Server. Steve loves teaching and talking about all of the technology platforms he uses. He is an active contributor to open source projects and is the author of the “T-SQL Flex” add-in for SQL Server Management Studio, and the “From Zero to Pull Request” guide to Git and GitHub on Windows. Steve is married and has one child.

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