Paul Randal
Pluralsight Author
Paul is the CEO of SQLskills.com, a Microsoft Regional Director and a SQL Server MVP. He worked on the SQL Server Storage Engine team at Microsoft from 1999 to 2007. Among other things, he wrote DBCC CHECKDB/repair for SQL Server 2005 and was responsible for the Core Storage Engine during SQL Server 2008 development.
Since leaving Microsoft, Paul has been a full-time consultant and trainer on SQL Server around the world, including authoring and teaching the prestigious Microsoft Certified Master certifications on SQL Server and SharePoint for Microsoft. He regularly presents at conferences such as SQL PASS, SQLIntersection, and TechEd, and has written or contributed to numerous white papers and books on SQL Server. He also writes regular columns and articles for SQL Server Pro magazine and TechNet Magazine, and is a Contributing Editor of both.
He blogs at SQLskills.com/blogs/paul, and you can find him on Twitter at @PaulRandal. When he's away from work, his main passion is scuba diving with his wife, fellow SQL expert Kimberly Tripp, and their two daughters.
Topics Authored
Data Professional
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Courses by Paul
No labs authored.
DataSQL Server: Understanding and Performing BackupsRETIREDDataIntermediate
2h 27m 8s
Nov 01, 2023
DataSQL Server: Index Fragmentation Internals, Analysis, and SolutionsRETIREDDataIntermediate
2h 39m 3s
Nov 01, 2023
DataSQL Server: Advanced Corruption Recovery TechniquesRETIREDDataAdvanced
3h 57m 5s
Nov 01, 2023
DataSQL Server: Detecting and Correcting Database CorruptionRETIREDDataIntermediate
3h 52m 29s
Nov 01, 2023
DataSQL Server: Performance Troubleshooting Using Wait StatisticsRETIREDDataIntermediate
4h 31m 53s
Nov 01, 2023
DataSQL Server: Logging, Recovery, and the Transaction LogRETIREDDataIntermediate
7h 45m 20s
Nov 01, 2023
DataSQL Server: Myths and MisconceptionsRETIREDDataIntermediate
3h 54m 47s
Jul 31, 2021