Noel Peden

Noel Peden

Noel Peden began his computer career with an Apple IIe, where he learned Basic so he could make an MTV logo appear on screen. Much later, after many adventures in sarcasm, he obtained a Physics degree and returned in force to the world of programming. Automating everything, he programmed in perl, Java, Ruby, Rails, and Javascript, though not all at once. While working for a library consortium, he created an interlibrary loan MVC app with his trusty VIM editor and endless hand-typed Java. Though all turned out well, he never wanted to code Java from scratch again. Despair ensued. Would programming be enjoyable again? Enter Ruby and Rails. Oh joy! Noel migrated two monstrous Access databases to Rails with aplomb. He continues to learn and enjoy programming, creating fun solutions and open source software.

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