Kyle Simpson
Pluralsight Author
Kyle is a freelance developer based in Austin, TX. He runs several open-source projects (such as LabJS), writes books, and speaks at meetups and conferences.
Topics Authored
Software Development
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Courses by Kyle
No labs authored.
CourseCore TechES6: The Right PartsRETIREDCore TechIntermediate5h 18m 6sJul 28, 2023(138)CourseCore TechRethinking Asynchronous ProgrammingRETIREDCore TechAdvanced6h 22m 59sJul 28, 2023(95)CourseCore TechFunctional-Lite JavaScriptRETIREDCore TechIntermediate3h 9m 49sJan 13, 2023(61)CourseCore TechAdvanced JavaScriptRETIREDCore TechAdvanced6h 55m 7sJan 13, 2023(2383)CourseCore TechBasics of Programming with JavaScriptRETIREDCore TechBeginner2h 40m 20sFeb 05, 2020(868)CourseCore TechWebsite PerformanceRETIREDCore TechIntermediate5h 3m 56sFeb 05, 2020(140)CourseCore TechOrganizing JavaScript FunctionalityRETIREDCore TechIntermediate5h 6m 55sFeb 05, 2020(28)CourseCore TechReal-Time Web with Node.jsRETIREDCore TechIntermediate5h 23m 37sFeb 05, 2020(357)