Jonathan Lovatt-Young

Jonathan Lovatt-Young

Jonathan combines over 25 years experience of digital design, brand strategy with user experience. He has been lead within a number of high profile agencies and consultancies including Tribal DDB, Accenture Digital, LBI and Fortune Cookie for a range of high profile clients many of which have been on their own digital transformation journey. He is analytical, strategic and creative with a full understanding of the user-centred design process for digital transformation projects. Jonathan holds a 1st BA (Hons) Interactive Systems Design from Staffordshire University and holds awards from Creative Review to Gartner for his work. Recently he managed the Service Design and UX team at Tribal Worldwide London, part of Adam&EveDDB leading the service design for Volkswagen Passenger Cars UK and Falabella, Chile. From May 2016 he has lead engagements as a consultant in his own organisation: Love experience.

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