Brandon Strain

Brandon Strain

Brandon has a BSc in Mathematics from Huston-Tillotson University and is a master’s candidate in Northwestern University's Predictive Analytics program, where he specializes in predictive modeling. He spent seven years in the U.S. Navy where he developed a pragmatic and engaging teaching style. Brandon's aversion to academic nonsense and penchant for student engagement earned him jobs training the Navies of Senegal, Cabo Verde, Gabon, and Nigeria on behalf of the United States. Brandon began learning R with no programming knowledge. He learned everything by trial-and-error from documentation, forums, and blogs. He is excited to provide comprehensive courses that lay everything out in the way that Brandon wishes someone would have done for him. He has previously worked on modeling anomalies in ship navigation and digitizing hand-written documents. Brandon currently lives in central Japan, where he is applying analytics to human resources processes within the Navy.

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