Prompt sandboxes
Master the tools and techniques of large language model (LLM) development with a centralized hub to practice your skills.
- Quickly draft content, debug code, and analyze data
- Use LLMs to create AI-powered apps in minutes
- Compare results, cost, and tokens across multiple LLMs from a single location

AI cloud sandboxes
Jump into a live sandbox session on AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud and practice your skills. We’ll take care of the cost.
- Save time, money, and resources from provisioning your own sandboxes
- Practice without accidental charges from sandboxes left running
- Reduce risk to your production environment
SageMaker Studio notebook
Spin up a SageMaker Studio notebook and dive into machine learning development, from preparing data to training and deploying your models.
- Simplify learning and coding in multiple programming languages
- Save time with instant access to a SageMaker Studio notebook
- Build experience with real-world data science tasks