Want to write for the Pluralsight blog? Start here!
We provide our community with everything from how-to tutorials and information on the latest services to career advice and exam tips. Essentially, anything tech professionals—of any level—want to read. Find out how to contribute your great ideas.

Why should I contribute?
As a technologist, you’ve got your finger on the pulse of the tech industry, and we welcome blog post pitches from the community. If you’ve got an article you want to write, we want to hear from you!
Contributing to the Pluralsight blog benefits you and our learners. It’s a great way to demonstrate your passion for a particular technology while also building out your portfolio.

Over 80,000 people visit the Pluralsight blog each week. That’s a U.S. Super Bowl’s worth of people! Your article can be viewed by tens of thousands of people in the technology community.

Personal brand
When your first article is published, we’ll create a dedicated, searchable author page for you on our site. This will list all the articles you’ve written for us, as well as optional links to your LinkedIn, YouTube, Discord, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook profiles.

You’ll receive clear attribution for your work. Your name and a short personal biography will appear on any published article you write for our blog.
We’re also open to including links to your website or educational courses at the end of your article on a case-by-case basis. We don’t post explicit advertisements dressed up as blog posts—any article must be a value-add to the community on its own merit.
How can I contribute?

Click on the “Register your interest” button below and fill out the Google form. This helps us understand who you are and what you’d like to write.

We’ll review your submission, then reach out to you to discuss the article topic.

Once the topic is approved, you’ll submit your first draft for review. Our team will work with you on any suggested revisions before publication.

We’ll post the approved article in the next available time slot and let you know when it goes live. Feel free to share it on social media and make some noise!