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Getting Started with ChatOps

by Pieter Koornhof

A guide to help you place everyday information and tasks in the middle of your chatroom conversations.

What you'll learn

This course is a road map to getting a team up and running with ChatOps. Discover the benefits of ChatOps and learn how to get your team to actively participate in a ChatOps culture. Learn how to place information and everyday tasks in the middle of your conversation and turn your chatroom into the command line for your team.

About the author

Pieter Koornhof is a electronic engineer turned full stack .net developer. By day he builds line of business applications and by night blogs about Domain Driven Design and Clean Code at whilst dabbling in various technologies. He is passionate about bringing out the best in himself and other developers. He is addicted to learning and cannot help teaching others about the interesting things he finds. He is currently a senior software engineer at where ... more

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