Scanning 3D Models from Photos in 123D Catch and 3ds Max
In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a highly-detailed reproduction of an object, starting from a simple scan created with your own camera. Software required: 123D Catch, TopoGun 2, 3ds Max 2013, UVLayout, Mudbox 2013, Photoshop CS6, ZBrush 4R4.
What you'll learn
In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a highly-detailed reproduction of an object, starting from a simple scan created with your own camera. We will start shooting several images of a shoe, and we'll load those images into 123D Catch, which will compute those images (using a cloud computing system) and create a complete, scanned model of the shoe in a few minutes. After that, we'll remodel the entire shoe starting from the scanned model. We will be using a combination of TopoGun for the base modeling part and 3ds Max for the creation of the complete model and all the different pieces of the shoe. Later on, we'll go into Mudbox, where we'll project the scanned details on top of the new, clean mesh and use those details as guide reference. We'll proceed with the final parts of the tutorial in ZBrush, adding all the fine details such as wrinkles, stitches, logos, and more. Software required: 123D Catch, TopoGun 2, 3ds Max 2013, UVLayout, Mudbox 2013, Photoshop CS6, ZBrush 4R4.
Table of contents
- 123D Catch Introduction 10m
- Manual Stitching of the Images 10m
- Exporting the Mesh 9m
- Attaching the Top and Bottom Part in 3ds Max 10m
- Retopologizing the Central Part 10m
- Retopologizing of the Back and Bottom Part 10m
- Separating into Different Pieces in 3ds Max 10m
- Adding Thickness to the Central Part 10m
- Working on Volume and Thickness of the Back Part 10m
- Modeling the Spikes 10m
- Modeling the Sole of the Shoe 10m
- Finishing the Sole and the Spikes 10m
- Adding the Last Parts, Logos, and Laces 10m
- Working on the Proportion of the Sole 10m
- Finishing the Sole of the Shoe 10m
- Finishing the Back of the Shoe 10m
- Starting the UV Inside UVLayout 10m
- Pelting and Relaxing the Mesh 10m
- Working on the Central Part of the Shoe 10m
- Unwrapping the Laces and Packing the UV 10m
- Texture Projection in Mudbox 10m
- Texture Creation in Photoshop and Mudbox 8m
- Detailing Phase in ZBrush 9m
- Using the Noisemaker 8m
- Alpha Creation 10m
- Final Detailing 10m
- Exporting the Mesh and Maps 11m