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Machine Learning with Splunk

by Johan Raeymaeckers

You will learn how to configure and administer the Splunk Machine Learning Toolkit and understand how to use Splunk to manage an end to end machine learning scenario.

What you'll learn

This course introduces you to machine learning with Splunk. In this course, Machine Learning with Splunk, you’ll learn how to use the Splunk core software and the Splunk Machine Learning Toolkit (MLTK) to manage an end to end machine learning pipeline. First, you’ll learn how to install and configure the Splunk MLTK. Next, you’ll discover how each step in a typical machine learning process is handled in the Splunk environment using the Splunk Search Processing Language. Every step in the machine learning process, including data pre-processing, data visualization, model training, validation, and deployment will be explained using a number of practical examples. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge needed to manage all the steps of an entire machine learning process using the Splunk machine learning capabilities.

Table of contents

Course Overview

About the author

Johan Raeymaeckers is a systems management consultant with over 20 years of experience. He has been involved in various large scale Tivoli, Symantec, Microsoft and Splunk projects mainly in the financial market. Johan is passionate about teaching and course development. He holds various certifications from IBM, Microsoft, Symantec and Splunk, he is also a certified IBM and Symantec instructor. In his spare time Johan loves to spend time with his two sons and enjoys mountainbiking and playing so... more

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